
A monster of the night

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Literature Text

June 12, 2016

Dear Diary,

    The strangest thing happened to me yesterday-which is why I didn’t write-It started out amazing, but turned sour. My boyfriend Jonathan came by my house at about, 4:00 pm. And he told me he was taking me out for a romantic evening. I of course was delighted by this fact. I took a moment to get ready and hopped into his car. He took me out to eat at my favorite fancy restaurant, and then he took me to the art museum. As the sun started setting, Jonathan drove me out to a riverside cliff. We got there and sat on the roof his car, gazing at the river. Then he kissed me and I kissed back, he looked like he was about to say something when, behind him, the full moon began to rise. Jonathan stopped what he was doing and lurched in pain, tumbling off the car. I hurriedly sat up and looked down where he had fallen. I wish I hadn’t. Upon looking down I saw Jonathan, but he was clearly in pain. It was too dark to see much but what i could see was that his limbs were shifting in odd ways and i could hear bones clicking. He was groaning in pain and I went to climb off the car when he groaned and told me to stay away from him. Then  I watched in horror as his body grew and fur sprouted across his body, changing him from a man into a large hulking beast. It took me a moment to put two and two together but I eventually realized that he must be a werewolf. I looked down and saw him sniffing, foolishly I whispered his name. Instantly he looked up at me, even though he was my boyfriend, it also felt like he wasn’t. He eyed me and I saw a bit of drool fall from his mouth. Then he howled and leapt up onto the car, hitting me full force and sending me sprawling off. I hit the ground and tried to stand, but he launched himself and landed right above me. He crouched down and gnashed his teeth, then bit right into my exposed side. I screamed at the pain and smacked him in desperation. Fortunately he had given me a bracelet a few days back that was apparently silver, once it hit him he whimpered loudly and bounded away. I stood up shakily, touching my hand to the wound on my side. I looked up at the moon and as weird as it sounds, I could feel it’s beams hitting my skin, they seemed to empower me. I thought back to the stories I had heard on werewolves, and then it dawned on me. I had become a werewolf! Just as I realized this, the full moon’s glare struck me more powerfully, it was then i felt the pain of a transformation begin, all my inner workings were changing around, shifting and clicking rapidly. I could feel my body slowly growing in size. And then my breasts, oh my breasts. They grew. They grew a whole cup and shredded my bra clean off. I went to shed my pants so they wouldn’t suffer the same fate, but was stopped by a new scent in the air. I sniffed for it, ignoring the rest of my body growing fur and my vision changing to a tinted red. All I wanted was meat. So I lost control of my body and bounded into the night.

July 15, 2016

Dear Diary,

    I broke up with Jonathan today. It broke my heart to do it because he was the perfect man. He was everything I could’ve wanted: tall, handsome, kind, caring, and the brightest smile ever. But he was a werewolf. And he had turned me into one too. I had not broken up with him for that reason though, I broke up with Jonathan because learning Jonathan was a werewolf gave him opportunity to let me in on another side of his life. A darker side. It turns out Jonathan actually enjoyed his Lycanthropy (that’s a new word I learned, it means you're a werewolf) and he abused it to be a criminal. It turned out he would commit crimes as a werewolf. Once I learned this he tried to get me to join his gang. I was tempted but eventually said no. Then I broke up with him.

July 16, 2016

Dear diary,

    Turns out Jonathan wasn’t happy about my refusal to join his gang and the break up. He’s been threatening me all day

July 19, 2016

Dear diary,

    Last night was another full moon. My transformation was less painful, but I found out that a full moon werewolf is stronger than on any other night. Jonathan and his lycan buddies tried to kill me. They failed since I was strong too and fought them off. I told my best friend Jenny about my condition today, it was scary but she seems excited. (Turns out she’s a major werewolf nerd) I told her because she’s my friend and she’s a badass. She hunts, practices Jujutsu, kung fu, and judo, she is also decent with a sword. Needless to say Jenny’s pretty cool.

July 24, 2016

Dear diary,

    I went to Jonathan’s  house to grab something I left and overheard him talking with his friends about a huge heist they were planning for the next full moon. From what I heard they were going to break into a munitions factory to arm themselves for an even bigger heist. I went home and called Jenny. She agrees we have to do something. I recommended the police or army. But I knew we were the only ones who would do something. Not looking forward to that.

July 26, 2016

Dear diary,

    Through some snooping, Jenny and I found that Jonathan was planning the break-in for the 5th of August. Jenny and I were worried we weren’t strong enough, but we kept training.

July 27, 2016

Dear diary,

    I have a tough decision to make. Jenny realized we stood almost no chance against Jonathan and his crew and came up with a desperate but terrible plan. She asked for a werewolf bite! Why would I do that to my friend? Being a werewolf is horrible! She feels it’s the only way we stand a chance. What do I do?

July 28, 2016

Dear diary,

    I decided against cursing Jenny, it just isn’t right. She has a good life as a human and I want her to keep that.

July 30, 2016

Dear diary,

    Jenny’s still mad about my decision but she has to understand it’s for her own good.

August 4, 2016

Dear diary,’s been awhile, a lot happened and I never got a chance to write, it’s going down tomorrow. I’m so not ready.

August 6, 2016

Dear diary,

    We did it. We went to the factory at about 5:00 pm and waited for Jonathan to show up. He finally came shortly after sunset and we snuck in after him. They went into the manager’s office and demanded full access to any weapons they wanted. He laughed and refused but the boys quickly shifted into wolf form and Jonathan grabbed the manager in a strangle hold. Jenny shot his hand with a silver bullet and he turned his head. Jonathan couldn’t speak as a wolf but smiled cruelly. He pounced at me and Jenny and we hurtled over the edge. Jenny and I thudded on the ground and Jonathan howled and bounded towards a storage room. His werewolf friends followed. I looked over at Jenny and saw she wasn’t moving. I tried to stand but found to my horror that my leg had broke, pain shot through my body and triggered my transformation. Instantly I began convulsing on the floor as my bones began to shift within my body. I could feel myself growing and shifting, my clothes slowly tore off as I outgrew them and fur began to spread like wildfire across my skin. I felt my face change and I shakily got to my feet. I looked at Jenny but found in my werewolf induced rage I could only think about killing Jonathan. I looked back and forth between Jenny and where Jonathan went. This is where it gets weird, a man in a strange purple cloak entered the factory. He seemed to be emitting the faintest purple mist and all I saw of his face was two glowing purple eyes. His eyes looked straight at me then at Jenny, he looked at me again and spoke in an cold, slightly crazy, but wise voice, “Go beast, take your revenge.” He extended his hand towards me and the mist flowed forth from it, it surrounded me and without any control, I chased Jonathan. I found him and fought off his friends then started to battle him. He was stronger than his friends and was easily overwhelming me. I was certain I would die when there was suddenly a loud crack and Jonathan’s ear simply disappeared, another crack and blood began flowing from the area above his heart. Jonathan staggered backwards and looked up, then lept through a window. Two of his friends staggered up and left with him but with another loud crack, one of the wolves collapsed, dead. I looked back to see what had saved me and saw a tall girl in a bright white cloak. She held a silver revolver in each hand and slung across her back was a silver katana. She placed her pistols in holsters and pulled down her hood. There, with bleach-white hair and stoic face, was Jenny. Alive and well. Then she pushed off the ground and seemed to be flying as she defied gravity through a window. I left the factory and searched around for any sign of the night’s events. All I saw was far in the distance, a faint purple glow. I could barely see it but the purple man winked at me before he disappeared. I returned home and fell into bed, still a werewolf. Today Jenny returned, she leapt through my window and collapsed on my bed. Her white cloak disappeared leaving her in her clothes from the previous night. Her silver weapons were gone but she still had bleach white hair, although it had changed slightly more silver.

August 7, 2016

Dear diary,

    Jenny slept at my house and when she woke up, she told me what happened. Apparently Jonathan had literally killed her, she had been pulled back to life by a large purple hand and she found the man in the purple cloak. He had given her a new identity as a living werewolf weapon. With silver weapons, silver clothes, and silver hair. (Her hair was actually silver, I touched it and my hand burned) The best part was there was no catch, she was given a second chance at life at essentially superpowers for free. I was suspicious but acted happy for her.

August 12, 2016

Dear diary,

    Still no sign of Jonathan, I can only assume he died of his injuries after he fled. This makes me both happy and sad. I loved Jonathan, but he was evil. Even though Jonathan was gone, werewolves were real. And whether they intended in or not, they were a threat. Someone had to protect the city from them.

August 18, 2016

Dear diary,

    I’m waiting for the full moon to rise and transform me. Jenny thought it would be cool if I had a costume since I was “Like a superhero now.” I told her a costume would look stupid on a werewolf and would tear as soon as I transformed anyway. But she was stubborn and I eventually agreed to take a minimal costume. I’m wearing it now. It’s a red cloak that we tore a few holes in to give it a tattered look. The red color was a combination of two ideas. Jenny’s idea was irony of a little red riding hood werewolf, my idea was red for love which started this. Mine was cheesy but her’s was corny. I’ve always learned not to wear clothes on the full moon so I don’t ruin anymore outfits. So i'm naked right now as well. This is the first full moon i'm completely prepared fo

A woman discovers her boyfriend is a werewolf just before she is turned into one herself! She must stop her now ex-boyfriend's criminal doings by any means necessary.

This is an old story I abandoned. But when I started work on a werewolf tf, I remembered this and decided to publish it.

Chapter 2
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I would love to see more of this story as well. Maybe even a story that details Jenny dying and being brought back to life and receiving all the silver gear and new life